We begin testing at The Center for Future Energy Systems at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on August 1st, so it’s all hands on deck! Mitch Kaminski, of RAM Engineering Solutions, composed 2 of these single cell units for the testing. Harry Gotshall, of Gotshall Instruments, has created several iterations of the breadboard to run the water level system. Brian has been setting up the schedule and coordinating all the suppliers. Thank you to Thomas Boe-Wiegaard and Torkel Nilssen for successfully raising the funds to start testing at RPI. If we achieve 20% more hydrogen per Kilowatt Hour than our competitors, we will have a disruptive technology that is produced at 1/10th the cost, and which will outlive current electrolyzers by 13 times. This could make hydrogen affordable for everyone. With all the details we are addressing, both large and little, it is safe to say none of us are getting much sleep.